
At Seafood Sales, we take great pride in our high-quality seafood products and the level of service we provide to our customers which is the core foundation of our business. We fully understand that our activities are indissolubly linked with the state of the planet, in social, economic and environmental terms. We hereby introduce our guidelines for Corporate Social Responsibilities in order to improve our capacity to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow and contribute to a better world. It is our hope that we – together with our Danish partners and international contacts and partners – can make a difference. The problems the planet is facing are of titanic dimensions: We see a planet haunted by climate change related challenges. Some places are on fire, other places are destroyed by flooding, while other places are extremely affected by drought. We, indeed, live in extreme times. For the first time in human history we face a non-human enemy – climate change – which has the potential force to destroy everything that we value and love. Consequently, we have to wage war on this non-human enemy to secure the future for our children and ourselves. This is – to put it mildly – not an easily-won war, but we all have to start from somewhere. The clock is definitely counting down, but there is still time to win this war against climate change.

Our guidelines for Corporate Social Responsibility are our small contribution to make a better world where people can live, work and trade in healthy, dignified and secure conditions without fear and anxiety.

Let’s together make the world a better place. We can accomplish this if we pull together!

Morten Klæstrup

CEO, Seafood Sales


Our CSR guidelines and standards

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) encompasses everything we do which has an impact on society around us. We need to be able to meet the needs of the present, without compromising future generations’ ability to fulfil their own needs. Our guidelines for Corporate Social Responsibility constitute our values and behaviour as a company.

At Seafood Sales, we take our Corporate Social Responsibility seriously and we are committed to ensuring that our company adhere to standards for ethical behaviour, human rights and environmental sustainability. Our company is part of a bigger system of people, other companies and the environment; we therefore also expect our suppliers to follow the requirements and standards in our supplier code of conduct, so that we can do our part for ensuring ethical responsibility throughout the supply chain. We are committed to behaving in a way that creates real value for our customers and other stakeholders as well as our environment.

At Seafood Sales, we recognize four key areas that contribute to our Corporate Social Responsibility: our customers, our people, our suppliers and our environment and community.


Our Customers

At Seafood Sales, we always strive to provide the best possible customer service. Therefore, we conduct our business with commitment to honesty, integrity, fairness and transparency. We strive to meet the various needs of our customers and value customer relationships based upon loyalty and trust.


Our People

Seafood Sales and our employees have an obligation to respect human rights as defined by the United Nations in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and by the Council of Europe in the European Convention on Human Rights. We believe in equal opportunities for all employees and are strongly opposed to any form of discrimination on the basis of age, race, ethnicity or national origin, religion, political beliefs, sexual orientation and/or membership of an industrial organization.

We continuously strive to safeguard and improve the welfare of our employees and are committed to ensuring a safe and healthy workspace. Seafood Sales is a family-friendly workplace with a balanced relationship between family life and work life.


Our Suppliers

At Seafood Sales, we value reliable, strong and long-termed relationships with our suppliers. We always ensure honesty, integrity and fairness when dealing with our suppliers.

We value fair and honest competition, and any decision making related to supplier choice is based upon commercially competitive factors, such as quality, price, services and consistent reliability.


Our Environment and Community

We are dedicated to ensuring transparency in our decisions and activities which have an impact on society and the environment.

We strive to minimize our environmental impact with focus on continuous improvement. Therefore, we seek to protect the oceans by providing sustainable solutions for our customers through ASC, MSC and Global G. A. P certification. When no certifications available, Seafood Sales ensures to deal exclusively with fish products complying with quota systems for each species.

Seafood Sales wishes to make a positive contribution to the local community. Therefore, we collaborate with schools and other educational institutions in the area, e.g. University College Nordjylland, to improve competences in the community. We also support education of qualified workforce by offering internships for students when relevant.

Our CSR guidelines outline our efforts to give back to the world as it gives to us and reflect the steps we take to ensure that we are a good corporate citizen.